Experimental Proposal We are investagating what makes the best violent volcanic eruption The varibles we decided to chance were the liquids and the soldis we would use to make the eruption We decided we could measure the height, how far it traveled away from the volcano and the foam that would appear. We decided to cange the liquid and the solid We decided to measure the distance the foam traveled from the bottle The question we are trying to awser is: what makes the best violent reaction we decided to keep the amount of liquid and the amount of solid to put in Prediction: we think that the old baking soda and vinegar will make the best violent reaction This is because in shows it always has he baking soda and vinegar volcano and it makes an reaction but we want to see if it does and if there is something better List of materials and apparatus needed: Baking soda Bottle Vinegar Coke(not coccaine) Mentos 7up Measuring cylindar wights Methood 1)Get the measuring cyclinder and pour 500ml of coke into the cyclinder to meausre then put the coke into the bottle 2)Get 3 mentoes and put it into the cokeremember repeat 3 times. Record how far the foam went 3)repeat this for the 7up 3 times 4)for the baking soda and vinegar get 500ml of vinegar and get backing soda that has an equal weight to the mentoes by weighing them.record what happens I will measure the distance traveled by the foam from the bottle. I am going to show my realts by havng a table with the top with the repeats and the sides the liquids